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The Buck Stops Over There

by digby

Poor little Brownie is telling the truth:

Former Director Michael Brown told ABC News’ “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” Sunday he stood by comments in a Playboy interview, and President Bush wanted him to take the heat for the bungling.


The former FEMA chief cited what he called an e-mail “from a very high source in the White House that says the president at a Cabinet meeting said, ‘Thank goodness Brown’s taking all the heat because it’s better that he takes the heat than I do.'”

How do I know he’s telling the truth? Well, I can’t prove it, but I doubt very seriously that poor little Brownie read the Washington Monthly in 2002 and remembered this little tid-bit:

During a trip to West Point on June 1, Bush pulled White aside for a private talk. “As long as they’re hitting you on Enron, they’re not hitting me,” said Bush, according to this Army official. “That’s your job. You’re the lightning rod for this administration.”

That is why he shall ever be known as the Empty Codpiece.


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