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Club Mad

by digby

The governor of Alaska, Frank Murkowski, came in 3rd in the Republican primary on Tuesday, and although it has widely been interpreted as a revolt over local issues, there can be no doubt that it sent a chill down the spines of DC incumbents, particularly the Senate majority.

Frank Murkowski isn’t just some obscure Alaskan nobody — he was a US Senator for 22 years, a member of the most exclusive club in the world, from one of the most reliable red states. In small (population) states like Alaska, he should have been an iconic figure who stayed in office until he was forced out by term limits or death. For years he had the backing of the most important industries in the state as well as the religious right, the NRA and the Alaska GOP. And yet, he couldn’t get over 20% in the Republican primary this year. And the woman who won ran against the Republican establishment.

This is the fourth incumbent, two Republicans, one Replieberman and one Dem who have lost their primaries since August 8th. Lincoln Chafee is facing a very tough go from the big money Club For Growth challenge on his right. All of this is highly unusual.

I just heard Jeff Greenfield say that it’s coincidence. Perhaps so. But if this is a “throw the rascals out” election, which it appears to me to be, let’s just say there are a lot more Republican rascals than there are Democrats in national office these days. And even their own voters don’t like them.


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