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by digby

The RNC has put out an amazing hit piece today on our glorious overlord Kos. Apparently, Democrats who associate themselves with our Dear Leader are to be shunned for such extremist associations.

But, it’s funny, as I was over on the site reading through their various press releases, I saw that they have issued many in support of John Bolton. And yet John Bolton’s most important and passionate online operative is none other than Pamela “Atlas” Oshry, surely one of the most shocking extremists in the right blogosphere. Why he was being “interviewed” one-on-one by the wingnut-gone-wild while he was supposedly right in the middle of brokering a cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon a couple of weeks ago. They are practically joined at the hip … or something.

And needless to say, since Republican politicians routinely go on radio shows like Rush Limbaugh’s and appear at conferences with psychotic hatemongers like Ann Coulter, making the “guilt by association” argument is very, very risky for them.

Are they sure they want to go there?

Update: From Seeing the Forest, I see that the man who said, “I would only add that these liberals want us to lose, not just in some small corner, but with their whole hearts; in fact, our defeat is the only thing they whole-heartedly work for” was invited to the white house this week.

He wasn’t talking about liberals wanting conservatives to lose — he was talking about liberals wanting America to lose to the terrorists, which logically means we desire a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy.


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