How Many More?
by digby
Wow. Here’s an interesting new way of framing the national security debate:
A Pew Research Center poll released Thursday found “no evidence that terrorism is weighing heavily on voters — just 2 percent cite that as the issue they most want to hear candidates discuss, far fewer than the number mentioning education, gas prices, or health care.” The center continued: “And while roughly a third of Americans (35 percent) say they are very concerned that if Democrats gain control of Congress, they will weaken terrorist defenses, even more (46 percent) express great concern that Republicans will involve the U.S. in too many overseas military missions if the GOP keeps its congressional majorities.”
I know it’s hard to believe, but I just heard Morton Kondrake repeating that in very grave tones on The Beltway Boys while Fred Barnes fluttered about like the Madwoman of Chaillot babbling about polls being meaningless. It definitely hit a nerve.
It’s a good question. How many wars do the Republicans think we should be fighting? And should the people who got us into the useless, unnecessary cock-up in Iraq really be the ones to decide?