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Born Yesterday

by digby

Via Roy Edroso I read this tid-bit from conservative law professor Ann Althouse:

“I would, for a price, go sit in a movie theater crowd and cue the flow of laughter on the subtler jokes. I would, for a price, eat in a restaurant and make slightly audible favorable comments about the menu and, with a co-worker, contribute a pleasant sound of conversation and even make up gossip about fictional characters to give the other diners something to eavesdrop on. Or maybe I should just start a business, designing jobs like this and selling businesses on the notion that they need fake patrons to improve the attitude of the real patrons.”

Gosh what a brilliant idea. Amazing nobody’s ever thought of it before.

shill (shl) Slang

One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.

Lord have mercy on her poor students.


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