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Who’s Your Daddy?

by digby

Uh Oh. Our Sunni Wahabbist allies in the war on terrah seem to be confused about who’s running things:

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah warned on Tuesday of war in the Middle East if Israel continues attacking Lebanon and the Palestinians, in an apparent appeal to key ally the United States to end the fighting.

“Saudi Arabia warns everybody that if the peace option fails because of Israeli arrogance, there will be no other option but war,” state-owned media quoted the king as saying.

Heck. How’s the US ‘n Israel gonna help the Sunnis defeat the Shi’a and bring democracy tah everybody if they lose their nerve at the least little thing? Surely, they aren’t feeling heat from their own people now are they? If so, they just need to tell ’em to stop this shit.

They need to understand that the US is there to spread God’s gift of freedom (and, if we’re lucky, bring on Armageddon.) Israel is bombing the shit out of Lebanon for its own good.

Man, these Arabs have a helluva lot to learn about how things work in the middle east…


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