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Oh Happy Day

by digby

Remember how everybody sat around discussing the horrible nihilism of Islamic Fundamentalists after 9/11? Fox news went on and on about their crazy death wish and insisted that they be renamed “homicide bombers” because they were killing innocent people in their sick desire to fulfill their bizarre religious destiny. Do you recall how everyone laughed nervously at their freakish belief that the deaths of others would result in their being granted 72 virgins and eternal life?

I know. Crazy Muslims.

Now we see the Middle East in turmoil. We are potentially entering a terrible crisis with the stakes incredibly high. Nobody knows where it’s going and people are frightened of what might happen. Well, not everybody…

Is it time to get excited? I can’t help the way I feel. For the first time in my Christian walk, I have no doubts that the day of the Lords appearing is upon us. I have never felt this way before, I have a joy that bubbles up every-time I think of him, for I know this is truly the time I have waited for so long. Am I alone in feeling guilty about the human suffering like my joy at his appearing some how fuels the evil I see everywhere. If it were not for the souls that hang in the balance and the horror that stalks man daily on this earth, my joy would be complete. For those of us who await his arrival know, somehow we just know it won’t be long now, the Bridegroom cometh rather man is ready are not.


If He tarries, I will just have time to get my hair and nails done (you know let all I come into contact with know of my Bridegroom and what He has/will do). So i am all spiffied up for Him when He does arrive to take me home. No disappointment, just a few last minute details to take care of to be more pleasing to look at.


I too am soooo excited!! I get goose bumps, literally, when I watch what’s going on in the M.E.!! And Watcherboy, you were so right when saying it was quite a day yesterday, in the world news, and I add in local news here in the Boston area!! Tunnel ceiling collapsed on a car and killed a woman of faith, and we had the most terrifying storms I have ever seen here!! But, yes, Ohappyday, like in your screen name , it is most indeed a time to be happy and excited, right there with ya!!

Ok fine. Religious fundamentalists are nutty. (I’m not taking it back, Obama. It’s the plain truth.)

But what do you make of someone who writes this:

Can you imagine being a hate filled person that “preaches” tolerance but really really hates Christians when the rapture does happen. It must be sad to live like that. I feel sorry for them and feel we should pray for them. Their tolerance doesn’t include anyone but themselves, and all they preach is hate.

… and has an “Ann Coulter ’08” sticker on her posts?

Hey, I’m one of the tolerant haters. These folks can believe whatever kooky nonsense they choose. The world is full of fruitcakes. I do wonder, however, if Uncle Karl is calculating that George the Pig Slicer will cause the GOP to lose seats in the fall if he doesn’t appear to be helping his base achieve the Rapture. That’s got me a little bit worried.

Via Crooks and Liars.

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