Planning Is For Losers
by digby
That commie outfit, the non-partisan Congressional Government Accountability Office, has analyzed the Bush administration plan in Iraq. Naturally, being terrorist lovers, they found that the plan was a complete failure.
The report is worth reading, but it’s written in bureaucratese which makes it something of a challenge to those of us whose first language is English. Luckily, Tim Dunlop at the Road To Surfdom has translated it for you:
I’ve called in Surfdom’s team of crack linguists again to do a bit of translation (which is bolded):
The November 2005 National Strategy for Victory in Iraq and supporting documents incorporate the same desired end-state for U.S. stabilization and reconstruction operations that were first established by the coalition in 2003: a peaceful, united, stable, and secure Iraq, well integrated into the international community, and a full partner in the global war on terrorism.
They’d really like it if everything worked out perfectly.
However, it is unclear how the United States will achieve its desired end-state in Iraq given the significant changes in the assumptions underlying the U.S. strategy.
It’s really hard for things to work out perfectly when you have no idea what you are doing.
The original plan assumed a permissive security environment.
They figured the biggest problem would be hookers and post-coital cigarette smoking.
It’s actually quite an amazing report. In a world that hadn’t gone mad it would be damning for the Bush administration.