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The New American Dream

by digby

Gary Farber finds a perfect example of why Republicans are so much more patriotic than Democrats — even the moderate, pro-choice, braindead cyborgs we have here in California:

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY WEEKEND, everyone! California is being especially patriotic this year!

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s office in charge of protecting California against terrorism has tracked demonstrations staged by political and antiwar groups, a practice that senior law enforcement officials say is an abuse of civil liberties.


Political activities cited in the reports include:

• An animal rights rally outside a Canadian consulate office in San Francisco to protest the hunting of seals.

• A demonstration in Walnut Creek at which U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez) and other officials spoke against the war in Iraq.

• A Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom gathering at a courthouse in Santa Barbara in support of an antiwar protester — a 56-year-old Salinas woman — facing federal trespassing charges.

I’m just glad California’s government is on the alert, and has picked up on these traitorous actions by members of the traitor party in Congress! What could be a better way to celebrate our freedoms than by monitoring elected officials who disagree with teh King?

I say we all go out and find some seals so as to bash their little heads bloody, to show what we think of those sorts of traitors who object!

And if any little terrorsymp grannies protest, let’s bash their traitorous heads in, too!!!

(more here)

And people wonder why some of us are so darned suspicious about the government using its illegal, extra-constitutional claimed powers to spy on Americans who dissent from the government instead of being used strictly to track the movements and communications of suspected islamic terrorists.

I keep saying, if we build it, they will use it. This massive amount of federal homeland security money has been doled out to the states and the practical effect is to stimulate the economy by building a police state.

This is what freedom looks like under Republicans. Shitty standstill economy except for the very rich, cops and preachers in your face 24/7, a constant state of war and everybody in the world hating our guts. Welcome to the new American dream. Enjoy your Walmart experience.


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