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Downsizing The Punditocrisy

by digby

I’m much too disgusted to write about this stuff in any depth right now, but luckily Peter Daou has done it for me. He comments on the latest scribblings by Dame David Broder (thanks CP) and reminds us of a comment from a rightwing blogger acquaintance of his:

I got a call from a conservative blogger with whom I’m appearing at a blog workshop. He’d just read the Cohen piece and much as he said he enjoyed watching liberal bloggers get criticized, he articulated a response to Cohen that was far less polite (and shorter) than the one I intended to post: “Tough sh*t! So after thirty years of writing this stuff in a bubble, you’re finally getting feedback from people who are pissed off. Deal with it.”

Yes indeed. Change is painful. You can either fight it or you can find a way to adjust. But it’s happening. I’m sorry these people are upset about all the “vituperation.” But what the hell did they expect? They’ve been lounging around the beltway court of Versailles eating tarte tatin out of Grover Norquists’ chubby little hands for years now while the country is going to hell. And now the services of the punditocrisy are no longer necessary.

You’ve been outsourced fellas.


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