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Democratic Terrorists

by digby

This new Lieberman poll is an earthquake. Ned Lamont could win this thing. The word is that Lieberman is actually quite serious about leaving the party, but that’s not actually correct. Connecticut Democrats seem to be leaving him.

Naturally, this is just terrible. Who has ever heard of supporting a candidate in a primary to challenge an incumbent with whom you are unhappy? Why, it’s political terrorism, I tell ya!

“I think to be terrorized through the summer by an extremely small group of the Democratic Party, much less the voting population, is total insanity for a person who is a three-term senator,” Droney said.

Looks like that extremely small group of terrorists is on its way to becoming a majority of Democrats. How very untidy. Usurping a three term Senator simply isn’t done, you see. He’s been ordained by God.

Josh Marshall put it well in this post about the campaign from last week:

But what was Lieberman’s excuse [for refusing to back protecting social security]?

We went back and forth with him. I’d talk to his staffers and folks around him and work and work and work to get a straight answer, but just had the hardest time. It was always this statement or that that seemed to support Social Security but really left the door open to some compromise on phase out when you looked at it closely. On and on and on.

And what was the point of that? Certainly it wasn’t political, at least not in the narrow sense. Lieberman didn’t have anything to worry about in Connecticut. If it was ideological, what’s that about? It’s a core Democratic issue. Not a shibboleth or a sacred cow. But a core reason why most Democrats are Democrats.

In the end it just seemed like a desire to be in the mix for some illusory compromise or grand bargain, an ingrained disinclination to take a stand, even in a case when it really mattered. There’s some whiff of indifference to the great challenges of the age, even amidst the atmospherics of concern.

This of course doesn’t even get into everything on Iraq or the pussy-footing over running the Pentagon for President Bush.

I think the most generous read on Lieberman is that he’s just out of step with the parliamentary turn of recent American politics which I myself, Mark Schmitt and many others have discussed. But I think that’s too generous. The whining in Washington that it’s somehow an affront that Lieberman’s hold on his senate is being threatened is entirely misplaced, a good example of what’s wrong with DC’s permanent class.

Exactly. The establishment would obviously like to do away with primaries. They would prefer to simply tell the plebes for whom to vote and just take their money. But, that’s not the way it’s going to work anymore. It’s not just that politics have taken a parliamentary turn, which is quite true. It goes to the heart of why so many Americans don’t trust Democrats to lead: the spineless factor. It’s why the Democratic terrorists are going to take the radical step of trying to elect someone who doesn’t publicly kiss George W. Bush on the lips every chance he gets.

You don’t have to look any further than Joe Lieberman to understand why the entire world thinks Democrats are a bunch of chickenshit losers. We’re tired of being associated with someone who can’t even stand a fair fight in the Connecticut Democratic party without whining like snivelling schoolkid and threatening to take his ball and go home. Why should anyone trust such a gutless tool with the reins of government? I know I don’t. The party is on notice that this just won’t be tolerated anymore by leading Blue State Democrats.

Here’s the plan. First, the Democratic terrorists are going to kick Lieberman’s ass. After that, they are going to kick the Republican party’s ass. And finally they will kick bin Laden’s ass. We didn’t create this hard core political environment, the Republicans did, with the help of self-serving Dems like Lieberman. Now somebody has to clean up all these messes. The crazed Democratic terrorists who are willing to cast aside all morality by ruthlessly supporting a primary challenger (who is not a travelling Deadhead, but rather a middle of the road self made millionaire) seem to be the only ones who are willing to do it.


This is outrageous:

Schumer said that the DSCC “fully supports” Sen. Joe Lieberman in his primary bid, and he refused to rule out continuing that support if Lieberman were to run as an independent.

There were degrees of independence, Schumer said. “You can run as an independent, you can run as an independent Democrat who pledges to vote for Harry Reid as Majority Leader.”

Uhm, no. You don’t get to leave the party to avoid losing in a Democratic primary and then expect Democratic party financial support to run against the Democratic candidate. That’s just nuts. And it’s so disrespectful to the Democratic voters of Connecticut I can’t honestly believe he has thought this through.

If they do this, it will cause a full on backlash against the Democratic Party by the rank and file and the party elders like Shumer have no one to blame but themselves. Frankly, this arrogant dictatorial attitude would be a little bit easier to take if the party hadn’t given away the fucking store for the last quarter century and gotten exactly nothing in return. The last time I checked these people haven’t won anything in a long, long time. Why we are supposed to keep putting our faith in their greater capacity to win is beyond me. Certainly, the unmitigated gall of these goddamned losers lording over the voters like this is going to kill this party. A little humility is called for here.

Call your senators’ offices.
Sign this petition for Ned Lamont.

Remember, this is the crowd that spent millions to come up with this stirring slogan: “Together, America can do better.”

Meanwhile, the Republicans say, “America is the best!”

You tell me which statement appeals more to the American people.


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