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Ann Gets Voted Off The Island

by digby

Oh my goodness. Guess who’s being purged from the movement for not being a real conservative? From skralyx at Daily Kos:

I was just at RedState, though, and I got a strange breath of fresh air: a recommended diary over there tonight is about boycotting Ann Coulter. It got mixed comments, with some dittoheads bellowing, “I love Ann! I’m buying her book! Woohooo! Don’t bother me with facts and analysis. La la la! I can’t hear you!!”, but a nearly equal number agreeing that she is no service whatsoever to conservatism.

Redstate: I am somewhat reluctant to write about Ann Coulter this week. The last thing I want to do is help her sell more copies of her book. But I am willing to take that chance in order to denouce her, to show that she is one of the greatest dangers that exists to the conservative movement.


Captain Ed says it best about this:

…impugning the grief felt by 9/11 widows regardless of their politics is nothing short of despicable. It denies them their humanity and disregards the very public and horrific nature of their spouses’ deaths. The attacks motivated a lot of us to become more active in politics in order to make sure our voices contribute to the debate, and it is impossible to argue that the 9/11 widows (and widowers, and children, and parents) have less standing to opine on foreign policy than Ann Coulter…

Of course Ed isn’t the only conservative denoucing Coulter on this.


Hugh Hewitt:

Ann Coulter owes an apology to the widows of 9/11, and she should issue it immediately. This is beyond callous, beyond any notion of decency. It is disgusting.


this sort of savage attack on people who have suffered a horrible tragedy is beyond any excusing and, really, beyond any apology. Coulter, who was a friend of Barbara Olson (killed on the plane that hit the Pentagon), should know better; heck, any first-grader would know better. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

The Anchoress:

…she is embodying everything I currently cannot abide in the “conservative movement”, the arrogant presumption of absolute moral certitude (which is ugly, ugly, ugly coming from the left, so honey, it’s not pretty when it’s from the right, either), combined with the sense of over-confidence which is sending so many on the right into a self-destructive Roy Moore/Tom Tancredo plunge off a cliff.

Ace of Spades:

this nastiness is uncalled for. Even if something is actually felt deep inside — even if you’re filled with toxic hatred for very annoying, very presumptuous, very left-leaning women with an overweening sense of entitlement — most people would find less abrasive ways to express such an emotion. Does that mean that Ann is just more honest than us “nancy boys”? Not really. A lot of the time the excuse of “I was just being honest” is just a code for “I’m basically an inconsiderate [butthead] who cannot be bothered to modify my behavior in even the slightest fashion in order to observe basic conventions of social decency.”

The Strata-Sphere:

I don’t know what happened to Anne, but she is a walking disaster for conservatives…Anne Coulter is no Conservative. She cannot be. Either that or I am no conservative. There is no way to condone such cruelty. Anne, sit down and just don’t talk anymore. You have done enough damage.


AJStrata is completely correct: Ann Coulter is no conservative. Ann Coulter stands for nothing more than herself. And this is the curious thing. Many conservative friends of mine are defending Coulter. Well, I think the joke is on them.


It is high time to “excommunicate” Ann Coulter from the conservative movement. So I am issuing this call to the conservative movement across the country: Boycott Ann Coulter! Do not buy her book. Do not attend her speaking engagements. My goal is to see her new book fall off the New York Times Top 10 Bestseller List very soon.

So if you are with me on this one please drop me a note in the comments below. And more importantly, get the word out. Pass this post on to others. It is high time to separate from Coulter just like we did with Pat Buchanan and David Duke.

Apparently commenters throughout the right blogosphere are aghast at this proposed purging of their blond heroine. They’d better get with the program. This is only the beginning.

Coulter has been a shrieking harpy for years, saying the most vile things imaginable and making a good profit at it. What in the world has changed?

They supported her when she said:

When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed too. Otherwise they will turn out to be outright traitors.”

and this:

“[The] backbone of the Democratic Party [is a] typical fat, implacable welfare recipient”

and this:

“it’s far preferable to fight [terrorists] in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York where the residents would immediately surrender.”

and this:

“My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.”

or this:

“Liberals can’t just come out and say they want to take our money, kill babies and discriminate on the basis of race.”

and this:

“Name-calling has been the principal argument liberals have deployed against conservative arguments”.

Those quotes go back all the way to 1997 and they are just the tip of the iceberg. This woman has been coarsening the discourse with her hateful swill for more than a decade and made big bucks selling that swill to eager rightwing readers.

So what has precipitated this new wingnut sensitivity? Republican popularity, that’s what. That’s when the movement starts casting its dead weight overboard.

Sorry, Ann. That’s the way it goes in the conservative movement. When someone becomes a bother they are no longer conservative — no matter that you’ve spent your whole life doing exactly the same disgusting thing to great acclaim by all these people. You’ve been voted off the island. For the good of the Party. Long live conservatism — the “pure” ideology that never fails.

But guys, if you have a problem with Coulter’s attacks on the 9/11 widows, you’re going to have to take a look at the big guy himself. Ann Coulter didn’t create the slandering of the 9/11 widows theme. Limbaugh did. Is he no longer a conservative either?

Update: John Amato has posted a hilarious Coulter moment.

Update II: Howie Klein has another hilarious Coulter moment, by Henry Rollins.


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