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They Call The Windbag Pariah

by digby

Steve Benen wonders if Ann Coulter has finally reached pariah status. I doubt it very seriously. She entertains the media and that is what they like above all. And I suspect she says many things with which they agree — or , at least, find funny. She appeals to their puerile sense of humor.

This new controversy is just going to help her sell books. Conservatives love it when the alleged liberal media go after one of their flamethrowers. It validates everything they believe in. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Brian Williams’ little scold the other night wasn’t designed for that very purpose. Has anyone done any research on what interests they might have in common? I’m serious. This “controversy” is simply not believable in light of the kind of things this shrieking harpy has been saying for years.

It’s ok for her to say:

“Liberals hate America, they hate flagwavers, they hate abortion opponents. They hate all religions except Islam post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don’t hate America like liberals do.”

But somehow, her saying that the 9/11 widows are exploiting their husbands’ death is beyond the pale? C’mon. The political media are very well aware of her schtick and know exactly what they have in this heinous bitch.

I have personally never heard anyone say something like this:

“Conservatives hate America, they hate blacks and they hate women. They hate all religions except Christianity. Even Islamic terrorists don’t hate America like conservatives do.”

Has Michael Moore ever said anything like that? I don’t think so. Indeed, I don’t think there’s any equivalent on the left to the kind of blanket condemnation of “liberalism” that the bully faction of the RWNM engages in with such relish. Coulter and her ilk don’t just attack liberal political leaders or the Democratic party. They go out of their way to attack their fellow Americans. They bring the fight to the dining room table and say, “If you, cousin Sally, don’t agree with me you hate America.”

Now, I’m willing to get down in the gutter if that’s what she wants. We can start calling out “conservatives” in general instead of Bush or Republicans. In fact, I suspect this may be where this ends up, unfortunately. And I’m prepared for the mainstream media go completely crazy decrying the “angry left” and it’s purveyors of uncivil discourse while Ann Coulter and her buddies lie on the fainting couch hiding their smug smiles behind their fluttering fans.

I. Don’t. Care. Ann Coulter is never going to be a pariah. Her nasty style appeals to the media. They enjoy it. Sadly, I suspect that her downfall will come when she loses her sexual appeal, as everyone does past a certain age. There can be no doubt that being the attractive rightwing dominatrix is a huge part of her appeal for many in the press corps. It goes right to their twisted little lizard brains.

Update: Nice post on the Coulter gaffe at FDL, here.


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