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Job Description

by digby

Oh for Christ’s sake. Via Americablog I see the WaPo published this ridiculous nonsense from George Will:

By 1987, when President Ronald Reagan gave his first speech on the subject, 20,798 Americans had died, and his speech, not surprisingly, did not mention any connection to the gay community. No president considers it part of his job description to tell the country that the human rectum, with its delicate and absorptive lining, makes anal-receptive sexual intercourse dangerous when HIV is prevalent.

I don’t know why. The whole country discussed the president’s own personal rectum for weeks, in great detail, two years before. People couldn’t stop talking about it. I don’t know why he needed to be so polite about it when it came to AIDS.

In July 1985, Reagan underwent surgery to remove a suspicious polyp from his colon. Two feet of the intestine was removed, and tests days later revealed that the growth was cancerous but had not spread far. Doctors were confident that they had removed all the disease, and tests during the rest of Reagan’s presidency showed no sign of cancer.

Doctors quoted Reagan as saying after the surgery, “Well, I’m glad that that’s all out.”

This picture shows Reagan showing the whole country how the procedure was done:


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