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Venting The Hatred In Their Hearts

by digby

More sexual sadism from racist pigs:

Prosecutors won’t immediately seek hate-crime charges against two white teens accused of brutally beating and sodomizing a 16-year-old Hispanic boy, who was clinging to life after being left for dead, authorities said.

The two attacked the boy after he tried to kiss a 12-year-old girl at an unsupervised house party Saturday night in suburban Spring, authorities said.

The attackers apparently were offended at the age difference between the victim and the girl, who is also Hispanic, and shouted racial slurs at him during the 10- to 15-minute attack, investigators said.

Authorities said the two dragged the boy from the party and into the yard, where they sodomized him with a plastic pipe from a patio table umbrella and poured bleach on him.

“After they got him down on the ground, they stomped his head with (steel-toed) boots,” Harris County Sheriff’s Lt. John Denholm said. “They actually kicked the pipe further into him with the boots.”

County prosecutor Mike Trent described the pipe as being sharpened at one end. At one point, the teens tried to carve something on the boy’s chest with a knife, he told CNN Friday.

“I don’t know that the very beginning of the attack was racial,” Trent said, “but there’s no question that they were venting quite a bit of hatred in their hearts.”

Oh really. He must have gotten the story from the young sadists themselves and bought their assertion that they were trying to protect this girl rather than the obvious fact that they are violent racists. And that is likely why they aren’t charging these predators with a hate crime. They actually feel some sympathy for these guys. “They have quite a bit of hatred in their hearts” they say. Do they have hearts?

Of course “the beginning of the attack” was racial. Did they just become racists half way through their brutal rape and beating? They are racist psychopaths who poured bleach on the victim and called him racial epithets, for crying out loud. I somehow doubt that they would have done the same thing to a white kid.

And once again, I have to ask about the forced sodomy. Is it that men were always raping other men with objects and nobody talked about it, or is this becoming more common? This particular form of violence is showing up everywhere from Abu Ghraib to the less physically brutal but equally terrifying “hazing” of grade school kids. And the common denominator in all of this is that it’s being excused by the rightwing moralists. What in the hell is up with this?

And don’t be surprised if we start seeing more of this racial violence toward Latinos. The wingnuts are getting their hate on and reviving some of their favorite propaganda techniques:

AN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The creators of a video game called “Border Patrol” won’t win any awards for graphics or creativity, but could take home a prize for bad taste.

(on camera): This isn’t some expensive game for the Xbox. It’s simple, free and on the Internet and, according to the Anti-Defamation League, dangerous.

JONATHAN BERNSTEIN, ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE: It puts in the mind of the player that they should be resorting to violence.

SIMON (voice-over): The objective? To shoot and kill Mexicans crossing into the U.S. The game’s targets? Mexican nationalists, drug smugglers and most outrageous, breeders, pregnant women running with children. The more you kill, the higher your score.

CRIS FRANCO, COMEDIAN/SATIRIST: You’re killing a pregnant woman, and if you can feel good about that, well, have at it.

SIMON: Sarcasm comes naturally to Latino comedian Cris Franco. All joking aside, though, Franco was concerned when we showed him the game.

FRANCO: What sort of makes it innocuous is sort of the thing that makes it so very dangerous, is that you might have kids getting up there and they’re killing Mexicans. You know? And now that’s a fun thing to do I gather, in our world. I think most people of conscience would not think this was a good way to spend your time.

You can see this “game” here on a CBS News affiliate web site. The blood spattering the pregnant woman with kids when the bullet hits is especially “fun.”

These video games and other violent racist paraphernalia are sure to be part of our culture forever, whether we like it or not. (In this post about rightwing “humor”, Maha provides some fine examples of the kind of “jokes” that used to be prevalent during Jim Crow.) But when you have major politicians race baiting you normalize this stuff — and that leads bigoted psychopaths to lose their inhibitions and feel that they have the support of the mainstream.

Just read Orcinus for how this works.

FYI: As I was gingerly tip-toeing through the racist “gamers” sludge online researching this game, I noticed a new epithet: “Mexcriments”


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