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The Rite Of Spring

by digby

This is the big day in the Christendom. In fact, I’ve always thought it was a bit strange that Christmas gets so much attention when Easter is the really big Kahuna. (Far be it for me to suspect cynical capitalistic motives, but …)

Anyway, as readers of this blog know, I’m not religious. But I like the holidays I grew up with. And although I don’t go to church on Easter anymore, (and despite my dark speculating below) I always think of it as the beginning of the season of rebirth, new life, spring and all that jazz. When the day is a brilliantly sunny 65 degree confection (with the cat lazily eyeing hummingbirds in the garden even) it’s just inhuman not to feel gladness even if you are not a believer in the big Kahuna.

So, in that spirit, I offer you Matisse’s “The Dance” which I believe was painted in homage to Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring,” a madly pagan ballet, but one that I think the human spirit of all creeds can appreciate.


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