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Breeding Republicans

by digby

Following up on my post from yesterday about Chuck Colson’s lament that about all the aborted babies who could be working in the fields today, the indefatigable Carolyn at MakeThemAccountable reminds me that she wrote about this sometime back — and this is not just some isolated whim on Colson’s part. It seems that there are conservatives who back all kinds of family support like universal health insurance that might place them as close to the progressive camp as the conservatives — until you see what their motives are:

Does this mean that the progressive fight for economic justice now over? Can we sit back and relax?

Not exactly.

The problem is with the reasons Douthat and Salam give for making families’ lives easier. Maybe it’s idealistic, but some of us have thought the reason to encourage strong, economically secure, and loving families is because that is what is most likely to enable people to reach their human potential, and to live full and rewarding lives. Any government participation in that effort is geared toward fulfilling its obligation, stated in the preamble to the Constitution, to promote the general welfare.

Those are not the reasons these authors give. They are concerned that reduced baby production, especially the lack of “bonus babies” (presumably, more babies than the two per family most common in America today) will cause economic problems in the future. “Without a youthful population, the costs of supporting retirees are unsustainable, and the innovation and entrepreneurial zeal that make America the world’s economic leader will slowly wither.” An extra added attraction for helping families is that it will solidify Republican political dominance, these authors say.

Their ideas about how to support families are typical GOP claptrap that won’t work (they don’t have a clue about how to do anything but cut taxes and start wars) but I just love the idea that they think they can breed Republicans. My father is the most rightwing Republican in the universe.


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