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Jeffie Alert

by digby

Bush just pulled a honker of a Jeffie.

Asked about his relationship with Pootie-poot, he rambled on about how he thinks it’s important that he can talk to him face to face. Then he said:

“Some say we shouldn’t go to the G8. I disagree…”

Has anyone heard of this movement to withdraw from the G8? I’ve heard people say that we should purge the G8 of cheese eating surrender monkeys, but this is news to me.

In fact his entire commentary is one long jeffie about “some” who have isolationist tendencies and “some” who want to withdraw within our borders and some who don’t think others can govern themselves. He’s on a roll.

“I’ll be unabash-ed [yep, he pronounced it that way — very Shakespearean of him] about trying to work for more free societies. I believe that’s the calling of the 21st century. I MEANT WHAT I SAID, when I said in the 21st century the goal of the US should be to end tyranny!”

He was really wound up by that point, hunched all the way over the podium, red-faced, pointing his finger at the audience. You know, the hectoring, drunken father bit.

This was good:

“China has recently read the book on Mao.(???) It’s an amazing history of a couple of things, one of which was how fooled the world was — and how brutal the country was.”

Sounds like five years into his presidency Junior finally cracked a high school history book. Good for him, seeing as he has a degree in history from Yale.

But civics was never his strong point. Nor economics. Clearly, the 7th grade primers they gave him got his mind all confused ‘n stuff:

“One of the most pure forms of democracy is the marketplace, the demand causes something to happen. Excess demand causes prices to go up and vice versa and that stands in contrast to governments that set prices and try to control demand.”

Reminder: this is the most powerful man in the world. Can anyone still say it doesn’t matter if the president is intelligent?

Update: Oooops. Apparently “some” have said the US should boycot the G8 becuase of the charge that Russia gave US war plans to Saddam. My bad:

Sen. Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat, said on ”Face The Nation” that if it turns out to be true, the United States should review its relationship with Russia and whether to attend the G8 summit in St. Petersburg this summer.


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