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Try Decaf

by digby

Somebody needs to tell CNN’s Kelli Arena to lay off the coffee. Her reports on the Moussaoui trial today are hysterical. She’s shocked, SHOCKED, that Moussaoui took the stand and admitted to knowing about the 9/11 plot beforehand and being part of it. She’s pulling faces, acting out the body language of those in the courtroom and dancing around like a marionette, she’s so excited. It’s a good thing she didn’t cover the OJ trial — she would have had a heart attack on the day the “glove didn’t fit.” Talk about an audible gasp in the courtroom.

This is exciting testimony, I’m sure, but not all that shocking. The defense tried mightily to keep him off the stand because they knew that he would do this — something Kelli appeared not to realize as she went on and on about how the defense was slaughtered by this testimony. He is an admitted al Qaeda member with an agenda and they knew he would use the opportunity to expound on his crime. (What else has he got?) And he’s not all that bright, obviously. Indeed, he said that he and the shoe bomber were supposed to fly a plane into the white house. There’s a brain trust for you. How surprising they were both caught.


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