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Oh, You Mean that Freedom

by digby

Oh my goodness, the Fox All-Stars have discovered that religious freedom is hard to guarantee in a theocracy. Seems this Christian who has been sentenced to death by an Afghan court for converting from Islam has opened their tired little eyes to the fact that “democracy” isn’t easy to impose on a nation that’s following strict Islamic law. Yah think?

They agree that this kind of thing has implications for Iraq too, can you believe it? Mort Kondrake says that he’s been hearing that women in Basra are all having to cover themselves up in burkas now!(No kidding) Fred Barnes is concerned about Iraqi Christians too.

Evidently, the wingnuts are up in arms about this story. Someone in the handpicked military family audience even brought it up during Bush’s Q&A today. (And here I thought everything was going great over there but the press isn’t reporting it.) The whole place can go to hell in a handbasket but if Christians are persecuted then there’s a problem.

Oh wait, that’s only certain Christians. Some deserve what they get for “putting their heads into the mouth of the alligator.”


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