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Stop By And Say Hi

by digby

This is a great idea. Senators are all home (for what, their 6th or 7th break of the year?) and are going to be hearing from their constituents. It would be very effective if any of you in cities or towns where your Democratic senator has an office, to walk in and have a little chat with the staff (or the Senator if he or she is around) about how you would like them to support Feingold’s censure motion. Give them the personal touch.

You could also call and find out if your senator has any public appearances — town hall meetings or such — where you could go and have a nice chat about how you think it’s important to support Feingold because the country needs to know that Democrats don’t endorse breaking the law — and don’t think that any president has a right or a necessity to do it, even in a time of war. You know, just remind our elected representatives what Democrats actually stand for.

Read Glenn’s post for pointers on how to make the argument.


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