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Girl Just Wants To Have Fun

by digby

John over at Crooks and Liars has Katherine Harris’ brave interview with Sean Hannity in which she declares. “as God is mah witness I will nevah be hungry again … oh sorry… “as God is mah witness I will spend every last million I have on mah Senate race.”

“Let me tell you what the truth is. I’m staying… I’m going to put EVERYTHING on the line…I’m going to commit my legacy from my father, $10 million. This is everything that I have”

Not exactly everything. Her husband is reportedly worth somewhere around 20 million.

She says that he backs her decision one hundred percent. I wonder if he’s seen this video of his wife canoodling with another man during the debate on WMD intelligence legislation.

Watch out Lindsey. This woman’s a wildcat in the chamber.


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