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Fair Assumption

by digby

Drudge is reporting that Ben Bradlee has confirmed that Richard Armitage was Woodward’s souce on Plame:

THE WASHINGTON POST’s famous Watergate editor Ben Bradlee claims that it was former State Department Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage who was the individual who leaked the identity of CIA official Valerie Plame.

In the latest issue of VANITY FAIR: “Woodward was in a tricky position. People close to him believe that he had learned about Plame from his friend Richard Armitage, Colin Powell’s former deputy, who has been known to be critical of the administration and who has a blunt way of speaking. ‘That Armitage is the likely source is a fair assumption,’ former WASHINGTON POST editor Ben Bradlee said.”

‘I had heard about an e-mail that was sent that had a lot of unprintable language in it.'”

For why this is meaningless, here’s a post I did last year on the subject.


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