They’re Killing Me
by digby
I just watched Press The Meat on Tivo. Oh my god.
George Allen is like one of those frighteningly stupid right wing callers on C-Span. Is the Republican Party really going to insult our intelligence once again and foist another dimwitted blockhead on this country?
SEN. ALLEN: It’s going tough. Some progress, but obviously when they used the burning-of-the-Reichstag tactic of hitting that mosque in Samarra and trying to create this religious violence back and forth, that was, that was a setback. But things seem to be calming down.
Is he accusing the Shiite political leaders of engineering this bombing to disable democracy and give themselves the power to issue laws by decree? If so, it’s quite a bombshell, particularly since he then goes on to say approximately 178 times that the Iraqis need to form a unity government.
Or, like those idiot C-Span callers did he just hear something like this in passing from an equally stupid person at a cocktail party and parrot it on the air?
The point of the matter is, is we need to pressure and try to get others in that region, as well as other countries outside of the region, to really tell them what the stakes are. And I think they recognize what the stakes are, but, but action needs to be taken. There’s going to need to be concessions from various points. And then ultimately, this government – they can get a unity government, but there’s going to need to be some credibility, particularly in the security forces, the secretary, so to speak, of the interior, to make sure that law enforcement and military actions are, are fair and just and not based upon any sort of religion or, or ethnic biases.
And then there’s this:
MR. RUSSERT: Something else happened this week, Senator Allen, in South Dakota. And this is how The New York Times reported it: “Governor Michael Rounds, the Republican Governor of South Dakota, signed into law the nation’s most sweeping state abortion ban. … The law makes it a felony to perform any abortion except in a case of a pregnant woman’s life being in jeopardy.” No exceptions for rape, incest, health of the mother. Would you like to see that law, the law of the United States of America?
SEN. ALLEN: Well, first of all I respect and support the right of the people in the states to pass laws that reflect their values and their desires. For the country, I think each state ought to make those decisions. Personally, I think that there should be exceptions for rape and incest because I look at the person. There is a victim of a crime, and if they so choose they ought to have that option.
MR. RUSSERT: But you would outlaw all abortion except in cases of rape, incest?
SEN. ALLEN: Oh, I don’t think the federal government ought to be making such laws. I think the laws ought to be determined by the people in the states. If South Dakota wants a law like that, they can have that. If South Carolina wants a different law, that’s up to South Carolina or Virginia or California.
MR. RUSSERT: And if a state said unlimited abortion on demand, you would abide by that?
SEN. ALLEN: Well, I don’t agree with that approach.
MR. RUSSERT: But you said states should determine…
SEN. ALLEN: But the, but the — if a state did that — I can’t imagine too many states or any state having one that allows abortion for all nine months for any reason or no reason at all. But that would be the right of the people of the states. And for those — but if a state like South Dakota wants a law like that, even though it’s not exactly what I would think is appropriate, that does reflect the will of the people. This is a representative democracy and I think that’s appropriate approach.
MR. RUSSERT: It would means that Roe vs. Wade would have to be overturned, which you would support?
SEN. ALLEN: I think Roe vs. Wade has been interpreted in such a way that it precludes the rights of the people to decide their laws. When I was governor, we passed the law on parental notification. I think parents ought to be involved if a girl who’s 16, 17 years old…
MR. RUSSERT: So you say overturn Roe. You hope Roe is overturned.
SEN. ALLEN: Well, Roe — if you need parental notification for ear piercing or a tattoo, they certainly ought to be involved with it. And so I think Roe vs. Wade has been interpreted in such a way as to restrict the will of people. Moreover, that decision was from the early 1970s and medical science has advanced a great deal. We know a lot more and of course, unborn children have an earlier stage of development.[???]
MR. RUSSERT: So overturn?
SEN. ALLEN: The point is, rather than arguing on a legal term, the point of the matter is the people in the states ought to be making these decisions. And if that’s contrary to the dictates of Roe vs. Wade, so be it. Because the way that Roe vs. Wade has been interpreted is taking away the rights of the people in the states to make these decisions.
We haven’t heard that argument put quite that way since around 1860.
He clearly doesn’t know what he is saying because this is a killer with the neanderthals: “I can’t imagine too many states or any state having one that allows abortion for all nine months for any reason or no reason at all. But that would be the right of the people of the states”
Ooops. Wrong answer George. Mistress Dobson has some remedial work ahead of him. And so does the anti-forced childbirth movement — we need to get the press to start asking the right questions. This bozo is incoherent getting soft balls about “overturning Roe.” He got visibly uncomfortable when confronted with the idea that a state might legislate “abortion on demand” and he blew his dismount. Imagine his eyes rolling back in his head when someone asks if he thinks the states ought to have the right to institute the death penalty for teenage girls who get illegal abortions. Or why he thinks it’s wrong to kill innocent babies unless they were conceived in the course of a crime. (I have a feeling he’ll be fine with it as long as the parents are notified, which seems to be a thing with him.)
He’s so stupid that he even brought this up:
… Again, let’s recognize how difficult that is. In this country, if we had to get two thirds of the Congress to agree who our president would be, for example, we, we’d still be fussing through the 2000 election.
Don’t go there…
The really scary thing about Allen is that while he was talking he looked and sounded like he thought he was making sense. He is quite fluently dumb. But it’s like a little girl making mud pies. She’s imitating all the moves of a baker — her mother or dad or Emeril or whomever. From a certain angle she looks just like them. But her “pies” aren’t really pies at all. They are piles — of mud. Much like George Allen’s answers.
I’m begging you, Republicans. Beg-ging you. Give the world a break. Whatever you do, don’t nominate another fuckwit meathead just because your base likes a leader who is just as thick as they are. I realize that you probably want to elect him just because it will drive me insane. But please, think of the children.