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Go Dolly

by digby

I guess we can all agree now that Dolly Parton isn’t a real American. She wrote a song about God and a transgendered person that didn’t condemn that person to hell.

Here’s the effete, latte swilling, NT Times reading, out of the mainstream, left wing elitist making excuses for herself:

KING: And the lyrics are directly for the film. Example, “I’m out here on my journey trying to make the most of it. I’m a puzzle. I must figure out where all of my pieces fit.” Did you like the movie?

PARTON: Well actually I thought it was very touching. It was very emotional to me to see someone, you know, that really frustrated with who they are and trying to become who they are and trying to become accepted and seen and loved for that.

And I really think Duncan, the director, handled it so well, all the parts of the movie. I was very, very touched with it. Even the son, little Kevin, I thought he was wonderful. I thought his part was great. And I think just all the ways that they all played together and how tastefully it was done for such a sensitive subject. I was real impressed with it all.


KING: Why have you been — you’ve been interested for a long time in gay/lesbian, transgender stories, why?

PARTON: Well, I’m not interested in anything. I haven’t made any efforts to do — I just am totally accepting of people. I really believed that everybody should be allowed to be who they are.

KING: That’s what I mean.

PARTON: Well yes, I’m very tolerant of just people in general. I believe we’re all God’s children. I think we all have a right to be who we are. I’m certainly — I’m not a judge and I’m certainly not God, so I just try to love the God core in all people. And I know that is in the center of us all, so I just try to accept people for who they are, whatever that is.

Typical liberal moral relativist. Wasn’t her most famous song called “In My San Francisco Russian Hill Home?” I think so.


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