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Educational Week-end

by digby

I am going to be out most of the day so I want to leave you all with some good reading from around the blogosphere:

This article by Arthur Silber about the inevitability of action in Iran is spot on. We are not dealing with rational actors. And he’s not talking about the Iranians.

This post by Pastordan at Street Prophets about heresy in the Evangelical church is quite instructive. As usual the media gets it wrong.

Eric at Wampum answers my question about how the Democrats should answer the Republicans on national security with a fascinating reminder that there are still sharks in the blue water.

Jonathan Schwarz at A Tiny Revolution informs us of other things that Al Qaeda forgets.

Bill at Liberal Oasis tells the opposition party how to be an opposition party.

Gavin at Sadly No! writes about how it might happen here.

Gary Farber discusses datamining.

Assparrot (apparently still hungover) holds a “Digby nailed it …” contest.

Oh, and in case you have been in a coma for the last four decades, this article in the Washington Post may help you understand that you are not crazy for noticing that all the racists are now Republicans.


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