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Political Fandango

by digby

I know that Atrios and others have already discussed this, but it’s such an obvious example of Tweety bullshit that I have to pile on.

Matthews yesterday claimed that an ad about GOP corruption implied incorrectly that DeLay was charged with bribery:

MATTHEWS: Dana, you’ve got to love it. This is America in action. Have you noticed in the Democrat ad, though, they do a close-up on Tom DeLay and they said “bribery”? Well, that’s not a charge against Tom DeLay. His charge is this thing about hard money, soft money. It’s a political little bit of a fandango. But nobody’s accused him yet of bribery. But that ad sure does.

The problem is that it clearly doesn’t. The ad shows a picture of DeLay when they say “money laundering” and a picture of Abramoff when they say “bribery.”

This is the kind of stuff Matthews does all the time. Just recently he had really bizarre hissy fit about Alito:

MATTHEWS: Well, I don’t know, I mean the Democrats, I’ve got a, I’m sitting here holding in my hands a pretty disgusting document. This is a, uh, put out for not for attribution, but it comes from the Democrats. They’re circulating it, I can say that. And in their complaint sheet against Judge Alito’s nomination, the first thing they nail about this Italian-American is he failed to win a mob conviction in a trial 20 years ago or — way back in ’88. In other words, they nail him on not putting, putting some mobst — Italian mobsters in jail, the Lucchese family. Why would they bring up this ethnically charged issue as the first item they raise against Judge Alito? This is either a bad, a very bad coincidence, or very bad politics. And either way, it’s going to hurt them. This document — not abortion rights, not civil rights, the fact he failed to nail some mobsters back in 1988. And this is at the top of their list of what they got against this guy. Amazingly bad politics.

He was so way out there on that one, that it didn’t even get traction among the Republicans. The document was about Alito being a lousy lawyer, which was clear when you read it —- unless you are Chris Matthews, of course, whose world is filled with people who love Bush for his sunny nobility and lying Democrats who slime fine public servants like the “moderate living” Tom Delay for crimes they didn’t commit. He is living in Bush’s bubble.


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