Lefties Rule
by digby
How great is it that every blog nominated for best Political Blog in the Bloggies is a member of the left blogosphere?
Wonkette, Kos, Talking Points Memo and Crooks & Liars, Firedoglake
Great blogs, all of them.
That would not have happened just a year or so ago. When I first started lurking around the blogosphere it was pretty slim pickings for libs. I had to pretend that Instapundit was a real libertarian and actually read him because there just wasn’t much else. Liberals were way in the wilderness then.
Now a thousand bloggy liberal voices have bloomed. Congratulations to all the nominees.
And pay a little visit to our very own friendly folks at Wampum, too, who are hosting the Koufaxes — Left Blogistans community awards. And toss them a couple of bucks if you can. They are wonderful people who devote a ridiculous amount of time to doing this every year for us.