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One of The Boys

by digby

Just this morning, in honor of Matthews and Imus sharing masculine chuckles over “that movie” I took a little trip down Hardball lane and relived those glorious days of yore when Tweety and the Sycophants sang their song of manly love to Commander Codpiece and Big Dick Cheney.

A commenter later pointed out that Tweety has been socializing with GOP mouthpiece Ed Rogers, celebrating the impending nuptials of objective reporter Campbell Brown and her fiance Dan Senor, former professional GOP spokesliar for Viceroy Bremer. (He had been promoted from Ari Fleischer’s harem.) Tweety gushed at how much fun he’d had hanging with the wingnuts:

MATTHEWS: Dee Dee, you’re great to come on. Ed Rogers, same to you.

Thanks for the party the other night.

ROGERS: Enjoyed having you.

MATTHEWS: (inaudible) Brown and her husband about to be.

This was after a ridiculous segment in which Tweety let Rogers spin like Tonya Harding on meth about the goddamned plantation nonsense, while Dee Dee Myers (typically unprepared) apologized for Hillary and babbled nonsensically about Democrats being in the minority.

That’s all within a 24 hour period. But that wasn’t the end of it. Tonight he said that Osama bin Laden sounds like Michael Moore (via Crooks and Liars):

I mean he sounds like an over the top Michael Moore here, if not a Michael Moore. You think that sells…

Come on. This is ridiculous. This man is either working overtime to kiss right wing ass for some reason or he’s been paid off to do full-on GOP character assasination. This is exactly what the Republicans did to Tom Daschle and Max Cleland.

This comparing liberals to Osama bin laden has been going on long enough. We don’t want to subjugate women and kill gays. We don’t want to turn free societies into theocracies and inflict a particular religious doctine on everyone. We don’t see geopoliticc through the lens of religious revelation and compel others to act upon it. It is beyond absurd to keep comparing liberals, any of us, to religious fundamentalist terrorists.

Peter Daou calls for an apology and I agree that it’s long overdue:

Bin Laden sounds like Clint Eastwood” — “Bin Laden sounds like Ron Silver” — “Bin Laden sounds like Rush Limbaugh” — “Bin Laden sounds like Bill O’Reilly”– “Bin Laden sounds like Mel Gibson” — “Bin Laden sounds like Bruce Willis” — “Bin Laden sounds like Michelle Malkin”… Imagine the outrage on the right and in the press (but I repeat myself) if a major media figure spat out those words. Well, on Hardball, Chris Matthews just blurted out that Bin Laden sounds like Michael Moore. Simple: Matthews should apologize. On the air. This has NOTHING to do with Michael Moore and everything to do with how far media figures can go slandering the left. And last I checked, Michael Moore didn’t massacre thousands of innocent Americans.

Golly gee, I only wish that I had Monsignor Tim’s number and could call and report Tweety’s transgressions as Scooter Libby did. Scooter’s complaint got a call from the padre to the president of NBC news and I’m pretty sure Matthews got a trip to the woodshed.

But a few thousand emails from readers demanding an apology might just get somebody’s attention too:


One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: (201) 583-5000
Fax: (201) 583-5453

NBC News

30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Phone: (212) 664-5900
Fax: (212) 664-2914

By the way: Tweety’s tied to the Abramoff probe. He happily raised money for one of Casino Jack’s front groups. And he’s gone out of his way to trivialize the unprecedented bribery, shakedowns and protection racket his best pals have been engaged in. I’m just sayin’

Update: Thank you John Kerry.

“You’d think the only focus tonight would be on destroying Osama Bin Laden, not comparing him to an American who opposes the war whether you like him or not. You want a real debate that America needs? Here goes: If the administration had done the job right in Tora Bora we might not be having discussions on Hardball about a new Bin Laden tape. How dare Scott McClellan tell America that this Administration puts terrorists out of business when had they put Osama Bin Laden out of business in Afghanistan when our troops wanted to, we wouldn’t have to hear this barbarian’s voice on tape. That’s what we should be talking about in America.” — John Kerry

Update II: Americablog, Daily Kos, firedoglake, and MYDD have all issued a call for apology as well.


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