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House Slave

by digby

Tweety is gleefully flogging Hillary’s “plantation” comment like he just discovered his little winkie.

There has bever been as great a GOP tool as Tweety Matthews. He gets a little bit uppity once in a while so they force feed him some bullshit which he happily regurgitates with gusto so as not make somebody important in the Republican establishment really, really mad at him. (When that happens, as we know, Monsignor Tim reports him to the Big Boys.)

Atrios has put this link up explaining why the Republican Magnolias having the vapors over this plantation comment is a steaming pile of fetid, GOP talking points.

I don’t know if any of you would like to tell Chris Matthews how to use Google, but of you would, here’s his e-mail:

Maybe he or his staff would like to look over those links and then explain why he and his Republican pals thinks she’s so out of line.


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