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“Intelligent Design” Creationism Is So 2005

by tristero

Now, it’s “intelligent evolution” creationism. Same lousy ideas. Same lack of peer-reviewed scientific evidence.

As PZ says, let’s remember exactly what Dembski wrote when they claim that they’ve got an entirley new product that’s not creationism:

I therefore offer the following proposal if ID gets outlawed from our public schools: retitle it Intelligent Evolution (IE). … [H]ey, it would still be evolution, and evolution can be taught in schools. In fact, I think I’ll title my next book Intelligent Evolution: The Mindful Deviation of Evolutionary Pathways. Perhaps this book has already been written.

Note to anyone who wants to argue against science and for “intelligent design” creationism: As always, first please go to Pharyngula and convince PZ Meyers that you’re right. When he’s satisfied, come on back here and I’ll be happy to discuss the subject with you. Until then, any attempt to “engage” will be answered by a boilerplate response to convince PZ first before wasting our time.

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