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by digby

I feel so dirty. My Alito the freeper post is linked on both The Corner and Free Republic. Seems bedwetters don’t like my armchair analysis of the chickenhawk pathology one little bit.

Here’s Jonah:

I DUNNO… [Jonah Goldberg]

Byron – Seems to me the cops at the ’68 convention proved their “manhood” without going to Vietnam or joining the croud chanting “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh!” and echoing Che Guevara’s call for “two, three, many Vietnams.”

Also, it’s kind of funny listening to liberals argue that getting laid “a lot” makes you a man.

Addendum: I posted too fast. I meant to say it’s kind of funny listening to liberals argue that there are only two paths to becoming a man — getting laid “a lot” and going to war. And here I thought they didn’t like social Darwinism.

He actually wrote the words “getting laid a lot makes you a man” and then came back with an oops “I posted too fast.” You can’t make this shit up.

Of course if he’d read the post in question he would know that I didn’t actually say that there are only two paths to manhood, but that’s just nitpicking. He’s right. There is a tried and true path to manhood for right wing chickenhawks: they can host Kaffee Klatches for mama, Linda Tripp and Michael Isikoff and then make a whole career out of it.

The best freeper comment is this:

This Freeper will gladly meet Mr. “Digby”, anytime, anywhere, for a little test of “physical courage”. Hygiene-challenged, hairy little socialist creeps who throw like girls ought not write checks their skinny butts can’t cash. I know: when the phone doesn’t ring…I’ll know it’s him. Chickenhawk? Chickensh!t.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

Here’s a thread to vote on Alito’s freeper handle over at MYDD. I’m thinking “wallflower”.


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