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Hey, me too…

What he said. Thanks for the conversation, and for making me feel at home, and thanks to Digby for inviting me.

Since this came up in the comments of an earlier post, Wampum (home of the Koufaces, and they’re still a little short the money they need to pay for them, if you happen to think of it when you drop by), firedoglake and his rooness all have smart posts up explaining why if you think that “the tribes donated to Democrats” means that Democrats are implicated in the Abramoff scandal, you don’t really understand what the Abramoff scandal is about.

That makes me kind of nervous. We’re the ones who are paying attention. Imagine what impressions the people who aren’t paying attention are getting.

I think we need to get on message here, folks.

Just, you know, saying.

edit: Oh, man. I almost forgot to make Digby profoundly uncomfortable by suggesting that you head over to the Bloggies with this blog in mind.

Best writer seems to be the popular category.

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