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why the White House is not returning between $100-200 thousand bundled by pioneer Jack Abramoff

President George Bush is giving $US6000 ($8000) in political contributions from Abramoff, his wife and a client to charity, but will keep more than $US100,000 that Abramoff collected for Mr Bush’s 2004 re-election campaign, officials said.

The White House spokesman, Scott McClellan, said the $US6000 from the Abramoffs and the Saginaw Chippewa tribe of Michigan would go to the American Heart Association.

A Republican National Committee spokeswoman, Tracey Schmitt, said the money Abramoff raised as a “pioneer” for the Bush-Cheney re-election campaign would be kept. “There is nothing to indicate that those contributions reflect anything but support for the re-election campaign,” she said.

And truly, Mr. Abramoff’s associates and clients (he doesn’t appear to have too many friends, now, does he?) had a long list of reasons to be very, very interested in keeping Our Fearless Leader in the White House.

A few highlights:

Abramoff Arranged White House Meeting at in Exchange for Donation to Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform. A lawyer for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian tribe in Michigan revealed that tribal leaders had “three or four” meetings at the White House—including one with Bush and another with Rove—after they gave a $25,000 donation to Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform at Jack Abramoff’s request. ATR later confirmed that Norquist arranged White House meetings for Indian tribal leaders and others who were “supportive of the president’s agenda.” [Newsweek, 5/2/05]

Jack Abramoff Advised Department of Interior Transition. Abramoff advised the Interior Department during the Bush transition. [Wall Street Journal, 3/19/01]

Abramoff’s Former Assistant Became Rove’s Gate Keeper. In 2001 Abramoff’s personal assistant, Susan Ralston, took a similar job under Karl Rove in the White House. This move essentially made Ralston, “Rove’s gatekeeper.” [New York Times, 5/1/05]

Lobbying Network Involved Bush Administrator. According to The Washington Post, “in an attempt to influence the Interior Department — which has the final say on a tribe’s gambling ambitions — Abramoff directed his tribal clients to give at least $225,000 to the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, a conservative group that was founded by Gale A. Norton before President Bush chose her to be his interior secretary. [Washington Post, 3/13/05]

DC Lobbyist Jack Abramoff Advised Bush Interior Department Transition While Representing Indian Tribes. Abramoff advised the Interior Department during the Bush transition. Aside from the Department of Homeland Security, which regulates coastline gaming, and the Department of Treasury, which regulates illegal financial transactions, the Bureau of Indian Affairs is one of the few means the Federal Government has to regulate the gaming industry, specifically the Native American gaming industry. [Wall Street Journal, 3/19/01;]

Abramoff Directed Tribal Clients Contributions to Interior Secretary Gail Norton’s Foundation. According to The Washington Post, “in an attempt to influence the Interior Department — which has the final say on a tribe’s gambling ambitions — Abramoff directed his tribal clients to give at least $225,000 to the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, a conservative group that was founded by Gale A. Norton before President Bush chose her to be his interior secretary. [Washington Post, 3/13/05]

Abramoff Also Arranged A Meeting With Interior Secretary Gail Norton For the Coushattas Tribe. Abramoff also invited the Coushattas to a fall 2001 dinner party attended by Interior Secretary Gale Norton. The Coushattas provided Abramoff with millions in consulting fees and contracts. [National Journal, 4/20/02]

Obviously Mr. Abramoff’s little circle was extremely anxious to keep the current team in place.

After all, they’d already paid a great deal of money to Mr. Abramoff in return for favors from inside the White House. They had an investment to protect.

The DCCC has updated their scandal website with the latest noisome details.

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