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So, Like, Totally Funny

by digby

Via Wolcott
I see that the spokesmodel of Open Robe Media, Atlas Shrugged, has a hilarious picture of Howard Dean up photoshopped as Hitler. But it’s ok because it’s totally funny:

Hey guys, its a joke. Helllllllllllllllllllllo, its F-U-N-N-Y (even if Dean’s remarks were far from funny, futile maybe, treasonous maybe, stupid for sure, humorous – not). Actually, the pic is hysterical. I never said he was Hitler, never even called him a Nazi. A clown for sure. That’s a clown pic – this is a clown pic too. Conversely, when the left calls Bush Hitler, they are dead serious. You can not compare the two. The above picture is hysterical. You clowns are as bad as the one in the picture. Sheesh.

Smart as a whip.

Update: For some real fun, read the comments. This one, I thought, was particularly insightful:

The country is driven by Cindy Sheehan. We republicans haven’t got a chance….until election day. You dheminnocrats are sure simple minded. You make up the news and then believe it. Then, you take a phony poll and declare victory. The only thing missing is reality.

But don’t worry, when the train of life is leaving you behind at the station of stupidity, I’ll fart in your general direction.


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