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As The Army Stands Down, The Contractors Will Stand Up

Crooks and Liars is featuring a story today about yet more murdering contractors. Bookmark it for your burgeoning “why America is becoming a rogue nation” file.

Has anyone bothered to ask whether withdrawal of the military would mean withdrawal of contractors? Somehow, I doubt it. Our private army that answers to no one but its owners so it doesn’t have to deal with all these messy old fashioned “laws” and “regulations” is going to be in Iraq for a long, long time.

I have little doubt that Rummy and Cheney have realized that it’s a little more expensive since you have to pay the soldiers more than a hundred grand a year, but they’re worth it. They’re not hung up on all this honor and tradition crap. They know how to get the job done. But they aren’t really mercenaries because they only torture, abuse and kill for America. They are patriots. Plus, we pay really well. So that’s good.


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