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They keep making the mistake of comparing Trump’s crimes to Clinton

They keep making the mistake of comparing Trump’s crimes to Clinton

by digby

Yeah, no kidding.

 GOP Counsel Castor repeatedly went back to the Clinton impeachment which I think is a very weird thing for them to do. It just reminds everyone that the Republicans once impeached a president over a lie about a consensual (but improper) affair in a civil deposition for a case that was dismissed by the judge. You simply cannot compare that with what Trump has done.

 I guess it doesn’t matter to their cult followers but some of them are watching the hearings unfold on Fox and they are hearing Chris Wallace make this point. Most will just reject Wallace, of course. But there may be a few who start to feel experience some dissonance over this whole thing.

Here’s a little shot of GOP crazy followed by a little cleansing chaser:



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