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Day 2000

The Daou Report directs us to a national memorial marking the sadly inevitable passing of the 2000th US combat death in Iraq. Please consider attending a local gathering.

Such a terrible milestone should be a somber moment that the entire country, as one, should acknowledge. After all, pro-war or anti-war, no one wants our friends, our neighbors, and our children to die. It is clearly a time when all of us should support the troops by making sure they understand all Americans share in the mourning.

But no. Michelle Malkin, Peter Daou informs us (and I sure as hell won’t pollute Digby’s blog with a link to her), thinks we’ll be partying, i.e. celebrating, on Day 2000.

And to prove it, no doubt Ms. Malkin and her fellow maniacs will grab their digicams and stalk the memorials, like the good fascist volunteers they are, looking to capture any and all grimaces of grief that could possibly be construed as a triumphant smile. After all, they photog’d us during the war protests, pretending the occasional nut represented all the middle-class marchers with families who were there. So they’ll do it again on Day 2000. And they’ll call us traitors again.

Well, Michelle, ma belle, I think we know who the real traitors are, don’t we now? Oh, I’m not only talking about the clowns who placed loyalty to Texas Moses above their country’s security. I’m also thinking of the people who sent American soldiers into battle with inadequate armor, inadequate intelligence, and deliberately false information on what they could expect in terms of a reception among the people they had been repeatedly told they were “liberating.”

Below, Digby makes the point that Republicans have for a long time been the preferred party of criminals. Not just Republicans like Nixon and the goons who did Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Starr witchhunt. Not even Libby, Rove, Lay, DeLay, Frist, Franklin, Wurmser, Brownie, Allbaugh, Abramoff. But also a huge felonious database, brimming with GOP scoundrels, statutory rapists, corporate thieves and assorted unclassifiable scumbags so large, there isn’t a server on the internet big enough to store all their names and their multiple serial crimes against their country. Face it, Michelle: For every decent Republican like Jim Jeffords, who finally had to quit his longtime party in disgust, it seems there’s 50 or more DeLay clones snorking around the pigsty, just waiting to pork honest taxpayers and other rubes.

No, Michelle. Those of us opposed to the crooks you admire will not be celebrating on Day 2000; we’ll be weeping.

But if there’s a day that these bastards who got us into this insane war, who ruined all Americans’ reputations by authorizing systematic, repeated torture and murder, who abandoned America’s most vulnerable parents, children, and workers, to a horrible death from flood and neglect –

If ever there’s a day that the fuckers who did all this, and so much more, start getting hauled in front of the courts of law they have been conspiring so long to subvert and ruin – We, the people, who love our country and revere its traditional liberal values, we will raise a huge… what’s the word, I’m thinking of? oh yes…Hullabaloo!

The (French) champagne will flow like water; the banners will fly in the (globally warmed, hurricane-strength, another rightwing fuckup) winds. And we’ll dance to the Dixie Chicks all night long.

And the next day, we’ll recycle the empty bottles, give any leftover brie to the homeless shelter, and then drink a very strong double espresso latte. We’ll get right back to work, making sure that you and your far-right asshole buddies are never taken seriously in American politics again.

Of course, that’s a huge if…

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