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Grover’s Sagging Tent

It’s very hard for me to feel any sympathy for Grover Norquist who is being battered by the religious zealots for daring to speak at a Log Cabin Republican meeting. Very hard. After all, he’s the main guy responsible for creating bullshit ideas like this:

“If he was a serious economic conservative, Grover Norquist would not have accepted the invitation or the honorarium for speaking at a fund-raiser for a group bent on the destruction of traditional families.”

He built a vote machine of ignorant saps who really believe that economic conservatism has something to do with hating gays and traditional families. When you let the nutballs into the tent and give them real electoral power, this is what you get.

Wait until Big Business understands that after they get their tax cuts and deregulation they’ll have to contend with a generation of creationist witch burners to sustain a first world economy.


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