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Victor/ Victoria

There is much to chew over in Judy’s magnum opus and I’m going to have to give it some quality time tomorrow. But the first thing that jumps out at me is this weird “Victoria” thing.

Somebody was calling Valerie Plame, Victoria — Judy isn’t the only one to make that mistake. Kevin Drum caught this in October:

NEEDED: ONLINE EDITOR….Howard Fineman in Newsweek yesterday:

I’ll stipulate that it is a felony to disclose the name of an undercover CIA operative who has been posted overseas in recent years. That’s what the statute says. But the now infamous outing of Victoria Plame isn’t primarily an issue of law. It’s about a lot of other things….

Um, anyone notice the problem here? And it’s repeated three more times. Maybe Newsweek needs to hire Dan Weintraub’s editor.

In the comments one of his commenter noticed others:

A quick Google search shows several incidents of the name Victoria Plame such as in the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the International Herald Tribune.

It’s certainly possible that a whole bunch of people made the same mistake about her first name. It’s odd, though. One might think that it is more likely that it was one person who consistently referred to her by the wrong name — who was speaking to a bunch of reporters.


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