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Welcome To Our World

Hunter at Daily Kos responds to the delicate pearl clutchers of the right who find themselves simply overwrought at the shocking prospect of all these corruption scandals being exploited for partisan gain. If there’s one thing they have never been able to abide it’s despicable underhanded politics. What is this world coming to?


Welcome to the world of the politics of personal destruction, you tubthumping, chin-jutting, Bush humping gits. Welcome to the nasty and partisan world that Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt, Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, and a legion of insignificant lowest-rung toadies like yourselves nurtured into fruition daily with eager, grubby hands, and now look upon with dull-faced faux horror.


Step back from the edge? You poor boy, asleep in the back of the car the whole trip, finally waking up and wondering where you’re at.

Swift boats. Aluminum tubes. Niger uranium. “Mushroom clouds”. Whitewater.

Vince Fucking Foster.

You can’t even see the edge from here. You left it behind a hundred miles back.

So don’t give me chest-thumping crap about civil wars, if your politicians are indicted. Don’t give me visions of a lake of fire, if all those who find you loathsome refuse to suck at your teats of scientific ignorance in the name of religion, racism in the name of freedom, and corruption in the name of the New World Order.

Get used to the world you have created, and the stench your worshipped heroes have unleashed.

Hear hear.

And might I just add … Republicans impeached a duly elected president over a trivial sexual matter and one year later installed a moron in the presidency by one vote on the Supreme Court. Handwringing from the likes of them about partisanship is a truly impressive and unprecedented act of phony, shit-eating Phariseeism — which is really saying something.

Just in case there’s been a massive memory loss on the right, here’s a little trip through the wayback machine:

In arguing for impeachment and against censure, Republican members of Congress have hinted at a trove of still-secret, non-Monica-related documents about President Clinton’s sexual misconduct. “Before people look to cut a deal with the White House or their surrogates … it is my hope that one would spend plenty of time in the evidence room,” said House Majority Whip Tom DeLay. “If this were to happen, you may realize that 67 votes may appear out of thin air. If you don’t, you may wish you had before rushing to judgment.”


1.The total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person’s existence, regarded as determining the person’s destiny.


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