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And So It Begins

Via media matters:

LIMBAUGH: From the Associated Press, Mary Dalrymple doing the honors of writing this story. “House and Senate tax writers agreed yesterday to a package of tax breaks designed to help Hurricane Katrina victims recoup their losses and access needed cash. The Congressional Research Service, an office that provides lawmakers with nonpartisan legislative analysis, said some of those tax breaks could do more for higher income survivors than for the neediest.”

Yes. People, they’re going to get tax breaks for Katrina. It may help the rich more. The rich may benefit more from taxes and tax cuts that result from Hurricane Katrina. We should rethink this, ladies and gentlemen. Even though the rich were wiped out too, they still may benefit more. I will guarantee you this, ladies and gentlemen: Many of those getting tax cuts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will not have paid any taxes at all. The people who pay taxes today are primarily the upper middle class, the rich, whatever you’re going to call them, and the filthy wealthy.

It’s not worth it to try to specifically decifer his incoherant ramblings, but the message comes through anyway.

Poor people are going to be getting something they don’t deserve. And I think we know which poor people he is talking about.


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