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Winning Dumb

I keep hearing that the beltway insiders have their money on George Allen to be the Republican nominee in 2008. I assume it is because he is just as stupid as George W. Bush.

From Michael Crowley subbing at TPM:

When Republican senator/presidential hopeful George Allen was on ABC’s This Week today praising the Bush administration for its training of Iraqi security forces, George Stephanopoulos suggested that the Post’s story has some pretty troubling implications for that utterly essential element of our success there. Not to worry, Allen said — factional divisions are nothing new:

[Y]ou have that even in our United States. We have local police, we have state police, and you have the FBI.

Got that? Bloodthirsty Shiite militiamen really aren’t so different from, say, Virginia state troopers. To which a startled-looking Stephanopoulos objected: “They’re not militias going out and killing people outside the law!”

The Republicans have determined that they do better with nominees who make their constituents believe they are smart enough to be president. It’s the right’s version of the self-esteem movement.

George Allen is an extremely dumb guy. Really dumb. Awesomely dumb.

Who do we have that’s dumb enough to beat him?


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