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Hippie Spooks

Crooks and Liars is featuring a rather nutty exchange on Faux news in which it’s posited that al Qaeda set up the poor Brazilian schmuck in the London subway in order to discredit the US and British governments. That’s kooky, all right.

But there’s a lot of that going around, I’m afraid. After quoting from Deborah Orrin’s breathless scoop that Valerie Wilson went to a Springsteen fundraiser for Kerry, Orrin Judd speculates:

It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that MoveOn, ActUp, and the rest of them are just CIA fronts.

For those of you who aren’t following the latest line of thinking in wingnuttia, the whole Plame deal was an elaborate scheme by a cabal of evil CIA hippies who were trying to bring the president down. Just ask Senator Pat Roberts if you think I’m kidding.


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