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Scotus With The Mostest

I think Clement is going to sail through — unless the far-right has a temper tantrum. So the question is, how do we get as much political advantage from this as possible?

Would it be best to try to bait the far right into blowing it by saying that we think Clement may be the kind of “Sandra Day O’Connor, David Souter” centrist that we can live with? You know how they feel about that.

Or do we use the opportunity to ram home all the principles and ideals that we feel are in jeopardy with Republicans in power choosing who gets lifetime appointments?

As I said, she’s in. The Gang of 14 are not going to disband over this one. So, how do we get the most out of it?

I’m thinking it might be a good play to rile up the wingnuts while Karl is on the hotseat. Karl probably made this decision, after all. How could he betray them this way?

Update: What? A one day trial balloon? Whatever. We’ll know in a couple of hours…


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