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Closing Ranks

Bob Novak, who is now Karl Rove’s howling bitch until the day his rotting cadaver finally admits it’s dead, says that Ed Gillespie (whom he pointedly calls a protege of Karl Rove) may be the new chief of staff. It appears they are easing Andy Card out.

He has been disloyal in the past:

I made these inquiries in part because last spring, when I spoke to White House chief of staff Andrew Card, he sounded an alarm about the unfettered rise of Rove in the wake of senior adviser Karen Hughes’s resignation: “I’ll need designees, people trusted by the president that I can elevate for various needs to balance against Karl. . . . They are going to have to really step up, but it won’t be easy. Karl is a formidable adversary.

One wonders if Karl may think he’s been disloyal more recently. After all, as Weldon Berger has been reminding us, there is still the question of who leaked to the Washington Post that the Plame leak was done “purely and simply for revenge.” I always speculated it was Andy, who’s not part of the Texas mafia.

In any case, it looks like the hankie twisting, pearl clutching Ed “political hate speech” Gillespie is being brought on to shore up Karl and “send a message.” That’s what they do. It’s only a matter of time before we see Ben Ginsberg on the scene.

When they call in James “divaaaaaahn” Baker, we’ll know the jig is up.


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