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Unless something really exciting happens, I’m done for the day. But here’s something to look forward to: Matt Cooper is writing an article about his Grand Jury appearance that probably has the White House boyz ‘n grlz wetting their pants. I would guess it will come out on Sunday, maybe tomorrow in anticipation of the gasbags.

They are going to try to “Rather” him if says anything damaging. Rove’s lawyer already laid the groundwork:

“By any definition, he burned Karl Rove,” Luskin said of Cooper.”

I still think that was probably not the smartest thing they ever did, but they probably thought they could intimidate Matt Cooper. And maybe they did. We’ll see.

Swopa has some interesting thoughts on what Cooper might say and how it might affect the case. And if you haven’t read Murray Waas’ account of how this mysterious “lawyer who has been briefed on the case” came to talk with the NY Times and Washington Post, do so. It’s fascinating.


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