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Let’s Talk About Sex

I’m getting dizzy with the hypocrisy:

Think Progress has this:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had these kind words to share last night on Hannity & Colmes:

If you can prove a case against Karl Rove, let the legal system do it, otherwise just shut up, because you’re ruining a guy’s reputation before anything has happened.

Let the legal system work, eh?

… I would like to speak a few minutes to what I believe is the unshakable, undeniable truth. And much of it is about sex.


The most chilling thing was, for a period of time, the president was setting stories in motion that were lies. Those stories found themselves in the press to attack a young lady who could potentially be a witness against him.

To me, that is very much like Watergate. That shows character inconsistent with being president, and every member of Congress should look at that episode and decide, is this truly about sex? Is Bill Clinton doing the right thing by continuing to make us have to pursue this, have to prove to a legal certainty he lied? The president’s fate is in his own hands. Mr. President, you have one more chance. Don’t bite your lip; reconcile yourself with the law.

It’s just a good thing Rovegate isn’t about the vitally important issue of consensual sex between two adults because Goober and his Mayberry Machiavelli crew would be forced to talk about it in numbing detail for months on end before the facts are in.

Luckily, instead of it being a case about a woman blowing the president, this is only about the white house blowing a CIA agent’s cover for political purposes in a time of war. We really should have more respect for the reputation of the person who the facts clearly show right now to be either an ignoramus or a thug. How rude.

Update: From Evan in the comments:

Bumper sticker par excellence


I’m getting one.


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