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Newshounds reports on Ann Coulter’s soon to be legendary performance on Hannity and Colmes last night:

Alan Colmes started off the interview by asking an excellent question:

“If Karl Rove wasn’t revealing something secret, why did he have to speak on double super secret background?”

For a moment, it looked like Coulter might have been genuinely reluctant to talk to a liberal (as the title of her last book claims she is) but I think it was more likely that she had a moment of panic at not having a good answer. After a pause, she began to speak slowly, as if she were trying to think of the right words as she went along.

Because you don’t generally read in the press – you know – I think it was all – you didn’t see Karl Rove, I think, being quoted on a lot of these things – but I think the point was, um, Clown Wilson was going around implying that he had been sent by the CIA and reported to Dick Cheney’s office… I mean, it’s amazing if you go back and read these articles now, he uses these – you know – sort of Clintonian legally accurate phrases…

She must not have had her coffee. She’s usually a little bit swifter than this.

And “Clown” Wilson? Man, these guys are rattled.


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