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Dumb Defense #236

In today’s NY Times piece, there’s this, which I’ve heard bandied about quite a bit in the right blogosphere:

There has been some dispute, moreover, about just how secret a secret agent Ms. Wilson was.

“She had a desk job in Langley,” said Ms. Toensing, who also signed the supporting brief in the appeals court, referring to the C.I.A.’s headquarters. “When you want someone in deep cover, they don’t go back and forth to Langley.”

It is highly doubtful that the special prosecutor would convene a grand jury and investigate the White House for two years without first determining whether there was any potential crime to investigate since determining her status was the easiest element of the case — finding out who did it and whether they knew she was undercover, which is obviously what he’s been doing, is the difficult part. It’s hard to believe that he’d send a journalist to jail and interview the president only to come up later and admit she wasn’t actually an undercover agent after all, so fuggedaboudit. And it’s pretty clear that the judges who have reviewed the classified documents in the contempt cases agree, by the way. They all say the case concerns a breach of national security.

One might also assume that since the CIA sent the damn referral to the justice department that they considered her undercover too! Who else is going to make that determination — Highpockets?

By the way, has there ever been a scandal in which Republican shill Victoria Toensing is not a media ready expert on the underlying crime?


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